
Astra Mythic
1 min readMar 24, 2024


The nurturing earth, the life-giving water, the destroying fire and the balanced air.

Splash of water, crumbling of gravel,

Touch of the sea that touches to the land.

Brushes to and from the edge of the coastline

Crests, troughs and crestfallen clashes into the sand,

Winding with twists and turns to unravel.

Boil of magma, swelling of fire,

Skyrocketing explosions that turn into clouds of ash,

Burst in embers, dust, and pyroclastic flow.

Chambers flood as infernos sparkle and flash,

As igneous solidifies from combusted pyre.

Whistle of wind, wafting of weather,

Gentle breeze that turns into tempestuous storm.

Squalls that flutter into wailing cyclones

With gusts and blustering winds that swarm,

The upward drafts that seem to be as light as a feather.

Chirping of life, singing of nature,

Those bustling leaves that sway, fall and wither,

Submerged in protruding roots of overgrown ivy,

Fauna frolicking in forests, bathing in rivers,

Thriving with life in caverns deep, and the tallest glacier.

Four forces, elemental,

That are life giving and life taking.

Stronger than anything but vulnerable like it's nothing,

Organisms that are breathing and aching,

Ancient powers, forces, fundamental.

